In this information page, as required by national legislation (Legislative Decree no.196 of 30 June 2003, Code regarding the protection of personal data) and by the community, (European Regulation for the protection of personal data no. 679/2016, GDPR) and subsequent amendments, the methods of processing the personal data of users who consult the site are described.
This site respects and protects the privacy of visitors with every possible effort not to infringe users’ rights.
The information is valid only for this site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links, nor for information collected through channels other than this website.
The information is inspired by the minimum requirements for the collection of online personal data defined in Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted by the European authorities for the protection of personal data on 17/05/2001
For more information consult the website of the Privacy Guarantor:


The “owner” of the processing of any data collected following consultation of this site is the Azienda Agricola Torcibrencoli


The Torcibrencoli company is also responsible for the processing pursuant to Article 29 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data, since it also deals with the maintenance of the technological part of the site. 


The treatments connected to the web services of this site take place at the headquarters of the data controller, Azienda Agricola Torcibrencoli.


Navigation data 

 During their normal operation, the IT systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This category of data includes, by way of example but not limited to, the IP addresses and domain names of the User’s computer and other parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the user.They are processed anonymously by the Data Controller for statistical purposes only. In the event of computer crimes perpetrated through or to the detriment of the site, and only in this case, they could however be used to attempt to identify the user. Without prejudice to this eventuality, at present the data on web contacts do not persist for more than seven days.

Data voluntarily provided by the user 

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message. 

Registration and authentication data

Personal data: surname; e-mail; billing address; shipping address; first name; telephone number

Sale of goods and services online

The Personal Data collected is used for the provision of services to the User or for the sale of products, including payment and any delivery. The Personal Data collected to complete the payment may be those relating to the credit card, the current account used for the transfer or other payment instruments provided. The payment data collected by depend on the payment system used.

Payment management data

  • PayPal Personal Data: various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of the service
  • Payment by bank transfer Personal Data: surname; payment data; address; first name; business name


“Cookies” are small text files automatically generated on the User’s computer afterwards when visiting some pages of the site. Some of these files, called session cookies, are automatically removed when the browser is closed. Others, however, are stored on the User’s computer for the sole purpose of improving the use and functioning of the site. If the user prefers not to receive cookies, he can intervene appropriately on the configuration of his browser to disable their generation. In some cases, however, this could compromise the correct use of some parts of the site.

This site may use some cookies to allow anonymous site access statistics to be generated through the Google Analytics tool. 

Types of cookies used by the site

  • Navigation or session cookies: They allow normal navigation and use of the website. They can automatically cancel at the end of each session or after a short period of time
  • Functionality cookies: They improve the functionality of the site
  • Cookie Analytics: they collect anonymous information on how the website is used. They are used to provide statistics on the use of the site
  • Google Analytics cookies: cookies managed by the Google Analytics service to collect anonymous data in aggregate form for statistical purposes 


Personal data are processed with automated tools for the purposes for which they were collected.  

Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.


Users have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of their data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification (article 7 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data). 

Pursuant to the same article, you have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment.

Requests for this can be sent by e-mail to this address: